Materials of Plastic Pallets

In the world of logistics and supply chain management, one silent hero stands tall: the plastic pallet. These unassuming yet sturdy structures have revolutionized the way goods are transported and stored. Lightweight, durable, and endlessly customizable, plastic pallets have become the backbone of modern industrial operations.

In this blog post, we will delve into the materials that make these pallets a force to be reckoned with. Join us as we explore the remarkable properties and endless possibilities of plastic pallets. Also, we will unlock the true potential of this unsung champion of efficiency and innovation.

What Is the Process of Making Plastic Pallets?

The process of making plastic pallets begins with selecting the right plastic resin. The type of resin will determine the pallet’s characteristics, such as its strength, durability, and resistance to chemicals. The most common resins used for plastic pallets are polyethylene and polypropylene.

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Once the resin has been chosen, it is melted and shaped into a mold using injection molding technology. The engineers carefully design the mold to ensure the strength and durability of the pallet.

They inject the molten plastic into the mold, where it solidifies into the desired shape. After the plastic cools and hardens, they open the mold and remove the newly formed plastic pallet.

They trim or correct any excess material or imperfections to achieve the desired dimensions and appearance.

To enhance the pallet’s stability and load-bearing capacity, reinforcing elements such as ribs or grid patterns may be added during the molding process. These features improve the pallet’s strength and resistance to impacts or deformation.

After the manufacturing process, the plastic pallets undergo quality control checks to ensure they meet the required standards. This includes inspecting for any defects, verifying dimensional accuracy, and testing load-bearing capabilities.

The finished plastic pallets are packaged and prepared for distribution. They are now ready for use in various industries, such as warehousing, logistics, and transportation.

By following these steps, manufacturers create high-quality plastic pallets that meet industry demands.

Types of Plastic Used in Manufacturing Plastic Pallets

There are four main types of plastic one can use in manufacturing plastic pallets:

1. Polypropylene

Polypropylene (PP) is a lightweight, strong, and durable plastic commonly used for lightweight and easy-to-maneuver pallets. Its density is 0.90 g/cm3, approximately half the density of steel. Hence, it is a highly lightweight material, ideal for frequently moved pallets.

PP is also a very strong material. It has a tensile strength of 28 MPa, which is about the same as steel. This means that it can withstand a lot of force without breaking. PP is also a very durable material. It is resistant to chemicals and moisture, which makes it a good choice for pallets that will be used in harsh environments.

2. High Density Polyethylene

HDPE is a plastic made from ethylene monomers. It is strong, rigid, and impact-resistant. People often use it for pallets that must withstand heavy loads. It is also resistant to chemicals and moisture, making it a good choice for pallets that will be used in a variety of environments.
HDPE has a density of 0.94 to 0.97 g/cm³, which is higher than the density of other types of polyethylene, such as low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). The higher density of HDPE gives it its strength and rigidity.
HDPE is also resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including acids, bases, and solvents. HDPE is also resistant to moisture, making it a good choice for pallets that will be used in wet or humid environments.

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3. Polyolefin

Polyolefin is a plastic made from polypropylene (PP) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It is strong, durable, and versatile, and it is commonly used for pallets that can withstand various conditions.

To make Polyolefin, we combine the properties of PP and HDPE. PP is a lightweight, strong, and durable plastic ideal for lightweight and maneuverable pallets. HDPE is a strong, rigid, and impact-resistant plastic suitable for pallets that can withstand heavy loads.

The combination of these two plastics creates a material that is both strong and lightweight. Polyolefin is also resistant to chemicals and moisture, making it a good choice for pallets that will be used in harsh environments.

In addition to its strength and durability, polyolefin is also a versatile material. You can mold it into a variety of shapes and sizes. Polyolefin is also relatively inexpensive, making it a cost-effective option for many businesses.

4. Fiberglass

Fiberglass has strength, lightweight and corrosion resistance. It finds frequent use in pallets that require endurance against high temperatures or harsh chemicals. Additionally, it serves as an excellent insulator, making it suitable for cold environments.

To create a robust and durable material, manufacturers combine glass fibers with resin when making fiberglass. The glass fibers give fiberglass its strength and stiffness, while the resin provides the bonding agent that holds the fibers together.

Fiberglass is resistant to a wide range of chemicals and solvents, making it a good choice for pallets that will be used in harsh environments. It is also resistant to high temperatures, making it a good choice for pallets that will be used in food processing or other industries where high temperatures are common.

In addition to its strength, durability, and chemical resistance, fiberglass is also a good insulator. This means that it can help to keep products warm or cold, depending on the needs of the application. Fiberglass is a good choice for pallets to use in cold environments like the food or pharmaceutical industries.

How Should You Choose Plastic Pallet Materials?

Plastic Pallet Materials for Export

Pallets used for export must be strong, durable, and chemically resistant. They must be able to withstand the rigors of international shipping, including vibration, impact, and changes in temperature.

Some good materials for export pallets include:

  • HDPE is a strong and durable plastic that is resistant to a wide range of chemicals.
  • PP is a lightweight and strong plastic that is also resistant to chemicals.
  • Fiberglass is a strong and lightweight material that is resistant to a wide range of chemicals and temperatures.

Plastic Pallet Materials for Unsupported Racking

The racking system requires strong, stable, and compatible pallets for unsupported racking. They must be able to support the weight of the products they are carrying, as well as the forces of vibration and impact.

Some good materials for unsupported racking pallets include:

  • HDPE is a strong and durable plastic suitable for unsupported racking.
  • PP is a lightweight and strong plastic suitable for unsupported racking.
  • Fiberglass is a strong and lightweight material suitable for unsupported racking.
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Plastic Pallet Materials for Freezers

Pallets used in freezers must be able to withstand low temperatures and be resistant to chemicals that may be used to clean or disinfect the freezer. They should also have non-slip properties to prevent products from sliding off.

Some good materials for freezer pallets include:

  • HDPE is a strong and durable plastic that is resistant to low temperatures and chemicals.
  • PP is a lightweight and strong plastic that is also resistant to low temperatures and chemicals.
  • This type of pallet has a non-slip coating that prevents products from sliding off.

Plastic Pallet Materials for Warehouses

Pallets used in warehouses must be strong, durable, and easy to move around. They should be able to support the weight of the products they are carrying, as well as the forces of vibration and impact. They should also be lightweight and have smooth surfaces to make them easy to move around.

Some good materials for warehouse pallets include:

  • HDPE is a strong and durable plastic that is good for warehouses.
  • PP is a lightweight and strong plastic that is perfect for warehouses.
  • Recycled plastic pallets are a good option for warehouses that are looking for a sustainable solution.

Plastic Pallet Materials for FDA or Pharma

Pallets used in the FDA or Pharma industries must be food safe, easy to clean, and traceable.

Some good materials for FDA or Pharma pallets include:

  • HDPE is a food-safe plastic that is also easy to clean.
  • PP is a food-safe plastic that is also easy to clean.
  • Traceable plastic pallets have unique identification numbers that you can trace easily.

These are just some of the factors to consider when choosing plastic pallet materials for different applications. The specific requirements will vary depending on the specific needs of the application.

Comparing Virgin and Recycled Plastics in Pallet Production

The main difference between virgin and recycled plastic is the source of the material. This difference in source has a number of implications for the environmental impact of the two types of plastic.

Virgin plastic production requires more energy than recycled plastic production.

The cost of virgin plastic is also higher than the cost of recycled plastic. This is because the production of virgin plastic is more energy-intensive.

The carbon footprint of virgin plastic is also higher than the carbon footprint of recycled plastic.

This is because the production of virgin plastic releases more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the production of recycled plastic.

Finally, the strength of virgin plastic is often higher than the strength of recycled plastic. However, the strength of recycled plastic is improving as recycling technology improves.

Overall, recycled plastic is a more environmentally friendly option than virgin plastic. However, recycled plastic may not be as strong as virgin plastic. The best option for a particular application will depend on the specific needs of the application.

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing between virgin and recycled plastic for pallet production:

The type of plastic: Some plastics are more suitable for recycling than others.

The quality of the recycled plastic: The quality of the recycled plastic will affect the strength and durability of the pallets.

The cost of recycled plastic: The cost of recycled plastic will vary depending on the market conditions.


In conclusion, plastic pallets have proven to be a game-changer in the world of material handling and logistics. Their durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness make them an ideal choice for businesses. By opting for plastic pallets, companies can reduce waste, streamline operations, and contribute to a greener future. So, let’s embrace the power of plastic pallets and pave the way for a more efficient and eco-friendly world.