How to Use Plastic Pallets? Best Practices & Safety Tips

Are you tired of splinters, rust, and cleaning hassles with old pallets? Upgrade to plastic. It’s safer, more hygienic, and eco-friendly. And what else? Plastic pallets are more durable and easy to clean. But you need to take some serious precautions too.

That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you. We’ll cover everything from the proper way to stack goods to the best methods for storing pallets. Moreover, we’ll provide you with some key safety considerations to remember. So, if you’re ready to upgrade your pallet game, let’s dive into the world of plastic pallets.

What are the ideal situations for using plastic pallets?

Looking for the perfect pallet solution? Here’s when plastic pallets might be ideal for you:

  • First, plastic pallets are ideal for shipping products overseas or for long distances. Why? They’re lightweight, easy to clean, and won’t absorb moisture.
  • Also, plastic pallets are a great option for the food and pharmaceutical industries. You can sanitize them easily. As a result, they won’t harbour bacteria, and you have nothing to worry about.
  • Another benefit of plastic pallets is their durability. They don’t splinter, rot, or rust, making them a long-lasting option for repeated use. This also makes them great for heavy-duty and high-volume usage.
  • Regarding the environment, you’ll be happy to know that plastic pallets are eco-friendly. You can recycle and reuse them, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Overall, plastic pallets are ideal when cleanliness, durability, and sustainability are important.

How should you stack goods on plastic pallets?

Stacking goods on plastic pallets is crucial to ensure the safe transportation. Because improper handling can create problems for you. But how to stack goods in the right way? Well, here is the step-by-step guide for you.

Step 1: Choose the right pallet

Before stacking goods on plastic pallets, choosing the right pallet is essential. You will come across several types of plastic pallets in the market. And each type has different weight capacities and sizes. For example, for heavier goods, you’ll need a pallet with a higher weight capacity. If you’re dealing with irregularly shaped goods, you’ll need a pallet according to them. Therefore, choosing the right pallet type as per your requirements.

how to stack goods on plastic pallet

Step 2: Prepare the pallet

After choosing the pallet, inspect it for any damages. Check for any cracks, chips, or sharp edges that may damage the goods or injure workers. It’s also important to clean the pallet thoroughly to ensure no contaminants. Because dirt or grease may cause the goods to slide or shift during transportation. Finally, it’s important to position the pallet in the right place. For this, ensure it’s on a flat and stable surface.

Step 3: Plan your stacking

Planning and organizing are crucial to ensure that the goods are in a safe and efficient manner. Before stacking, it’s important to determine the weight distribution of the goods. And then decide which items will be on top or bottom. Why it’s important? Because you want to reduce the risk of tipping or falling during transportation.

Step 4: Start stacking

Start the stacking process by placing the heaviest items at the bottom of the stack. This will ensure the load is stable and won’t shift during transportation. It also prevents overhanging or wobbling. And your goods will never fall off during transport.

Step 5: Add an interlocking layer

An interlocking layer is important to ensure the stability of the stacked goods. This will help prevent the goods from sliding or shifting during transportation. Most of these interlocking layers are cardboard or plastic. And you should place them between each tier of goods.

Step 6: Secure the load

After stacking the goods, secure the load using plastic wrap or stretch film. This will help prevent the goods from shifting or falling during transportation. The wrap should be tight enough to hold the goods in place but not so tight that it damages them.

Step 7: Label the pallet

Before transporting the stacked goods, label the pallet with the correct information. It should include the destination, and the weight of the goods. This will ensure that the goods are going to the right location. Plus, the weight limit of the pallet is not exceeded

How should you properly wrap a pallet for storage or transportation?

how to plastic strap a pallet

Wrapping a pallet is essential to ensure security ad safety. Here are the steps to properly wrap a pallet:

Choose the right wrapping material

Choose the appropriate type of plastic wrap or stretch film. The material should be strong enough to hold the weight of the goods. Plus, it should protect them from damage during transportation.

Start with a stable base

Place the pallet on a flat surface and ensure it is stable before wrapping.

Secure the base layer

Start wrapping the pallet at the bottom. Ensuring the film is stretched tightly around the base of the pallet. Wrap the film around the pallet at least three times to ensure stability.

Wrap the sides

Wrap the film around the pallet’s sides, ensuring it covers the entire surface of the pallet. Make sure to overlap the previous layer of the film by at least 50%.

Wrap the top

Once the sides are good, wrap the pallet’s top. Wrap the film at least three times around the top of the pallet.

Secure the wrap

At last, secure the film’s end by tucking it under one of the previous layers.

How should you store plastic pallets when they are not in use?

Storing plastic pallets is crucial to ensure their durability and longevity. And how to do it? Here’s the solution:

Choose the right storage area

The ideal storage space for plastic pallets should be arid, spotless, and well-breezy. Avoid areas of direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, or damp conditions. Moreover, a dedicated storage area with pallet racks or shelving is the best option. Why? Because it allows easy access and helps prevent damage.

Prepare the pallets for storage

Clean pallets thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. For that, use a mild detergent and a soft-bristled brush to scrub the pallets. After that, rinse them off with water and let them air dry completely. Inspect each pallet for cracks, splits, or warping, and repair or replace them if needed.

how to store empty pallet

Organizing the storage

To maximize space and prevent damage, stack the pallets neatly and evenly. Place the larger pallets at the base and put the smaller ones on top. In this way, there would be no misalignment or overhanging. Moreover, consider using plastic or cardboard sheets between each layer.

Securing the storage

Use straps, bungee cords, or stretch wrap to secure them in place. Alternatively, you can use steel banding or shrink wrap for added security. Label each pallet with information like size, weight capacity, and storage date.

By following these steps you can increase the lifespan of plastic pallets.

Safety Considerations for Handling and Storing Pallets.

  • Use gloves, safety shoes, and other personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Use safe lifting techniques when handling pallets to prevent injury.
  • Inspect pallets regularly for any damages or defects that may cause harm.
  • Use caution when working with damaged or broken pallets to avoid injury.
  • Store pallets away from potential hazards such as fire or moisture.
  • Train employees on proper handling and storage procedures to ensure safety.


In conclusion, using plastic pallets in business operations can be smart and cost-effective. You can maximize the benefits of using plastic pallets by following the above guides. Always remember to choose the right type of pallet for your needs, properly prepare the pallets, plan your stacking, wrap the pallets securely, and follow safety precautions at all times. By taking these simple yet essential steps, you can effectively utilize plastic pallets to improve your business operations and achieve your goals.